"Painting is how I explore thoughts, feelings and memories, this search is guided by curiosity and aims to understand the world around me. The human figure is central in my work, through it, I express the complex fabric of the experiences, rituals and emotions that make us human. I'm fascinated by light, and by water; how they can change our perceptions and affect our moods”
Luz Elena was born in Colombia (South America) and has been living in the Netherlands with her husband and two sons since 2000. She has an associate degree in Fashion Design and a Bachelor degree in Art from Georgia State University (Atlanta USA). After finishing her studies in the United States of America, she lived one and a half years in Florence (Italy) where she studied portrait and figure drawing and painting under Charles Cecil in his Studio di Disegno e Pittura.
Micks Art Gallery, Emmen, The Netherlands “Avant-gardes” June-Aug 2023
Rosa Spier Huis, Laren, The Netherlands. "Mooi is Anders" April-June 2023
Elsa Piñeres Galería, Barranquilla, Colombia. "SieteCinco" November 2022-Feb 2023
Het Arsenaal, Naarden, The Netherlands. July 2021 “Water Parallels" (Solo)
Stadsmuseum Hardewijk, Hardewijk, The Netherlands. March 2018 "Heelmeesters"
Gallery Salon West, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. October 2017 "United States of Art"
Gallery Salon West, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. May 2017 "40x40 for Het Vergeten Kind"
Annual Dutch Art Fair, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. September 2015
Art Fair Bussum, Bussum, The Netherlands. September 2015

Portrait by Nicolet Peters. www.nicoletpetersfotografie.nl